Course Description

Consultant Fatigue Therapist

R. Amir Norris B.Sc.

Since 2001, R. Amir Norris B.Sc., has helped over 800 adults and children with fatigue disorders, ranging from those affected by M.E., Chronic Fatigue, Post Viral Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Adrenal Fatigue.He is one of the UK's widely respected therapists in the chronic fatigue field and is helping to transform the way the world views ME/CFS. Amir had the condition for 10 years and therefore teaches from a unique perspective and first hand experience.Amir was one of the professionals interviewed in a recent Norwegian documentary film on ME/CFS, after the film makers' daughter recovered by attending his Clinic in Wales. His clients, which include celebrities, have also been interviewed on BBC radio 2, as well as featuring in local and national newspapers including the Daily Mail.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Start Here!

    • Tips to Get Started!

    • Welcome to the Energy Excellence Course!

  • 2

    Module 1: Understanding Burnout

    • What's causing your condition?

    • Is your brain stuck in Fight or Flight?

    • The Biochemistry of Fight or Flight

    • Typical Fight or Flight Symptoms

    • Why your Adrenals may test Normal, High or Low

    • Are you in Freeze?

    • Symptoms Explained Bonus Section

    • Fibromyalgia Mini Module

    • How many Brains do you think you have?

    • Understanding the Amygdala - the Brains Alarm Button!

    • External Video - Neuroscientists Explain the Amygdala

    • How Conditioned Responses are Created

    • How Perception affects us

    • MRI of Brain in Stress Response

    • Is Your Condition Caused by a Virus?

    • Summary of Module 1

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    Module 2: Biobehavioural Training

    • Energy Excellence Background

    • Pavlov's Anchors

    • What's a Pattern Interrupt?

    • Learning The Stop!

    • Notes - What to use the Process on

    • What to use the Process on

    • Think Step

    • Event Boundary

    • Open Step

    • Physiology Introduction

    • External Video - Amy Cuddy - Power Posing

    • Physiology/Power Posture Exercise

    • Energy Excellence Process Demo

    • Your Turn

    • Cheat Sheet - Energy Excellence Process

    • Notes - Energy Excellence Process

    • Energy Excellence Process Summary

    • Using the Process in Public

    • Brain Plasticity Introduction

    • External Video - Brain Plasticity

    • Brief Recap

    • How to get Excellent Results

    • The Answer Vault

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    Module 3: Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques

    • Tips for Stress

    • Diaphragmatic Breathing Introduction

    • Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercise

    • Notes - Diaphragmatic Breathing

    • Peripheral Vision

    • The Relaxation Response

    • Notes - The Relaxation Response

    • Cross Crawling

    • Notes - Tips for Anxiety and Stress

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    Module 4: Tapping

    • EFT Introduction

    • EFT Founder Gary Craig Introduction

    • External Video - Gary Craig Explains EFT

    • External Video - BBC News Report on EFT

    • Electro Acupoints Demo

    • EFT Demo

    • EFT Cheat Sheet

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    Module 5: Hydration

    • Hydration Introduction

    • Fluid Balance

    • Aldosterone - Part 1

    • Aldosterone - Part 2

    • Dehydrators to Avoid

    • How to Rehydrate

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    Module 6: Diet and Supplements

    • Sugar Poison - Part 1

    • Sugar Poison - Part 2

    • Hypoglycaemic Diet

    • Meal Ideas

    • Supplements - Valerian - L-Theanine

    • Supplements - Vitamin C

    • Supplements - Lysine

    • Supplements - Magnesium

    • Supplements - Fenugreek

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    Module 7: Sleep

    • Sleep Introduction

    • Late Nights

    • Food and Blood Sugar

    • Daytime Napping

    • Bright Lights

    • Bedtime Routine

    • How to Wake Up

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    Module 8: Living the Life you Want

    • What do you really want in life?

    • Self Coaching

    • Cheat Sheet - Self Coaching

    • The Power of Positive Thoughts

    • Endorphins

    • The importance of Exercise

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    Module 9: Putting the Tools to work

    • Putting the Tools to Work

    • Final Words